Do you know why you are failing at your fitness goals? Let me give you a scenario: The new year is rolling around and you are frantically trying to think of what your new year resolution should be and you come up with “I want to be healthy.” Sound familiar? It should, this is one of the most popular New Year resolutions. Literally one week later, you fall off. Why?
The answer is quite simple but complex. The answer lies within the vagueness of your goal. What does healthy mean to you? Is it to eat right, exercise, drink less, and make better choices? Well, if that’s your answer or something along those lines to my question, you answered my question with even more vagueness.

My next questions would be the following. What does eating right mean? What are you going to do for exercise? What does drinking less look like? How are you going to make better choices? I’m not going to answer these questions because it’s so individualized.
This is where it gets complex. All of a sudden you started with the goal of being healthy. Well when you start to dig deeper you start to find you don’t have one goal. When you answer those questions all of sudden you end up with 20+ plus goals and you don’t even realize it. The more goals you have the harder it is for you to accomplish. Who has the time to accomplish so many goals? That’s why you are failing at your fitness goals.

How should you actually pick your goals and resolutions? Pick something you literally cannot fail at. Why? Because who wants to fail at something? No one. If eating healthy means eating more veggies because you don’t eat any veggies. Well, your goal should be to eat 1 serving of veggies a day. That’s it. If you go from eating no veggies to eating 1 serving you are accomplishing your goal. Once that turns into a habit and you are eating 1 serving a day. Then you take the next step. Maybe it’s eating 2 servings of veggies or you move on to your next goal.
I know it sounds simple but it works. If you pick a goal that is super specific and something you know you can do, you will succeed. It literally could be eating 1 serving of veggies a week. Keep it simple and realistic. Give it a try, take it slow. The faster you try to reach your goals the less successful you will be.
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