You might step into our gym and say “where is all the equipment?” or “this doesn’t look like a gym.” Well we aren’t your typical gym. Not even close. You won’t see treadmills or ellipticals. Weight machines are nowhere to be found. We have a few pieces of “cardio” machines. Why is The Strength Revolution different?
It’s because weight training is simple. Big box gyms want you to think that it’s hard and complicated. Why do you think you don’t know how to use any of the “fancy” equipment that these gyms have to offer? They want to upsell you on personal training. It’s all about the bottom dollar for them. Rise Above is here to resimplify weight training by teaching you the foundational movements and using the equipment and movements that were proven effective by our ancestors years ago.

Okay, you got me. Yes it’s right in our name. The Strength Revolution. Yes, I am here to sell you on personal training. The difference is we actually care about you and your goals and not sitting you a machine that doesn’t help you. We are here to teach you how to squat, deadlift, shoulder press, bench press, row, and lunge. I will give you the secret right here. If you do those 6 exercises 3-4 times a week holding weight you will get excellent results.
We offer so much more than teaching you how to exercise well. We teach you how to work out more efficiently. You don’t need to be in the gym for hours a day. If you learn to engage your muscles properly you can start doing less. Some of our most successful clients are only doing 2 to 3 times a week for 30 minutes. They are losing body fat, building muscle, and getting stronger. It’s all because they learned how to engage not just the right muscles but supporting muscles while they lift weights.

Injured or feeling pain? We help with that too. Did you know that one of the biggest reasons someone doesn’t reach their goal is because they are in pain? If that sounds like you, we can help you. We have helped people eliminate knee pain, hip pain, low back pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain. I can keep going. Yes exercise can help eliminate pain. We first find the source of the pain. Knee pain’s source is not the knee! (exception is arthritis) It’s either from the foot/ankle or the hip. We then work on repatterning your movements to take you out of pain. Once we repattern the movement, we work on the mobility in the area, then we work on stabilization exercises so we can create a flexible stable body part so you don’t reinjure the area.
This is The Strength Revolution. This is why The Strength Revolution is different. We actually care about you. We care about your goals and getting you results. Remember, you aren’t investing in a 20,000 square foot facility, with a million machines you don’t know how to use. You are investing in yourself and your goals. Don’t forget this is about you and your needs!

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