Your health is an investment

The biggest reason why people don’t hire a personal trainer is because they cannot afford it. The number one rejection is always that it costs too much. This is when I explain to a potential client to look at it more like an investment in your health as opposed to an expense. Most people don’t understand this. If you invest in being healthy now, you are going to reap the benefits as you get older. To help you understand your health is an investment. I did some research (yes you will get linked articles) on some of the most common injuries and illnesses out there and how they can potentially be prevented with diet and exercises.

Let’s start with the number one killer in the United States, heart disease. Here is the link to the numbers I found. If you had a cardiac related event, in year one you would be spending an estimated $15,000. It is approximately $1000 per year with follow ups. Depending on how long you live after your first event you are spending significantly more than you would have if you got a personal training. These are best case scenario costs. Yes, insurance will probably take care of most of these costs but not everyone has insurance. Yes, this will be the same for the majority of these ailments. But why rely on someone else when you can control the outcome.

Let’s switch over to knee replacement surgery. Here is the link for your reference. A knee replacement on average costs $57,000. That’s just for 1 knee replacement. You have two knees. The worst part is depending on how old you are you might need to get them both replaced again. This surgery can easily be avoided with exercise and diet. Think about the wear and tear you potentially put on your joints from being overweight. We have had several clients who have lost significant amounts of weight and have come back and said I can’t believe how much better my knees feel. We also tend to not move properly as well. Moving properly and maintaining a healthy weight can go a really long way in preventing knee surgery.

Diabetes costs the average American $16,700 in medical costs a year. There are kids getting type 2 diabetes now as well. So if a 15 year old gets type 2 diabetes and lives to be 75. They are paying over a million dollars in their lifetime fighting a disease that is preventable with diet and exercises. Yes, you cannot prevent type 1 diabetes but type 2 is very preventable with diet and exercise. Diet and exercise can even help you manage your type 2 diabetes. It’s hard to argue the costs of type 2 might have over the course of your exercise versus investing in your health.

Last but not least Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Did you know that regular exercise has show to slow down the symptoms of dementia? There have been several studies done to show this. The lifetime cost is $340,000. These costs also don’t include care given by family and friends for free or the cost the family and friends are spending on you out of their own pocket. This is a double edge sword, it not only costs a lot of money but it also costs your family and friends time and money. Why not help them out and try to prevent the symptoms with investing in your health.


Your health is an investment. I laid out the costs for a few medical issues. Most medical issues can be prevented with diet and exercises. A local gym membership at a big box gym is $20. Yes a $20 a gym membership might not get you to your goals but investing in a fitness program where you spend $100 a month on a program. Or get a personal trainer. Depending on your area a personal training session costs $50 to $100. 

The one thing none of these things also doesn’t account for is the time you have to spend dealing with these ailments. You need to exercise a minimum of 90 minutes a week. You have to eat to survive, start making better food choices. Instead of a fried chicken sandwich, get a grilled chicken sandwich. These things won’t cost you more time than it does to spend dealing with these ailments. Stop spending time dealing with them and invest in your health now rather than later with costly medical bills.

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